Samsung released a transparent OLED display that can be seen around the clock

At the FPD International Exhibition in Japan, Samsung demonstrated a transparent flat panel display that can be used as a showcase. Based on OLED technology, the product is regarded as an application developed by retail storefronts. It can display news or time, and consumers can also see the display inside the store through the display.

According to Samsung Electronics, when the office uses this transparent display, there is a lot of basic information to display, the news, calendar, weather and even Twitter. In the office it can be used to showcase work and can be installed in the home kitchen to display recipes. In the OLED display, individual pixels contain organic material components that emit light when energized, so the display can be seen both day and night. At the same time, the user does not have to worry about the safety of the product when it is used, because it is reflective when the back is seen during the day, and uniform light is seen at night.

But this high-tech window screen may be much more expensive than ordinary glass, and they can only do as large as the current display product, much smaller than the shop window.

Samsung said that the display has been piloted in South Korea and will be commercialized in 2011.

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